Should you plan a wedding day First Look?

Over and over I'm asked what my favorite moment of photographing a wedding is; and every time my answer is the same: "the moment the groom sees his beautiful bride for the first time". There are no words to describe the incredible emotion that flows between the couple during this time; so I document it with images instead!

First look photographs generally happen directly before the ceremony begins, but after the bride and groom have gotten dressed for the wedding.


  • It gives you a chance to get the jitters out. My clients usually use this time to laugh and cry without trying to hold back and to read private vows to each other without feeling like they had to perform them in front of a crowd.

  • You spend time alone. During your wedding day, you'll be super busy and this is the perfect time to spend a few minutes alone just the two of you.

  • It can make group photos easier. If you see each other before the ceremony, you can plan the wedding party and family photos before the ceremony begins. This gives you a chance to head right to the cocktail hour after the ceremony ends and enjoy more time with guests.


  • Tradition. It can be hard to get past the age-old tradition of waiting to see each other until the ceremony.

  • Wedding party photos might actually look better later in the day after the sun goes down a bit. If you see each other early in the day when the sun is high in the sky, you’ll probably have to seek out some open shade for group photos to avoid harsh light on your faces. If you take bridal party photos after the ceremony, the sun is likely to be a bit lower in the sky. Some couples even wait to take bridal party photos until the end of dinner while the rest of the guests finish eating (usually within one to two hours of sunset). These golden hour photos are always stunning.

Bonus tip: If you don't want to see each other but you still want to do something special, you can plan a letter exchange or “secret touch.” I'll put you back-to-back or around a corner without seeing each other, and you can exchange letters before the ceremony. This makes for a really special moment without breaking the tradition of seeing each other in the aisle.

Ultimately, you should choose whichever option you’re the most comfortable with. As long as you take the time to plan your schedule carefully, either option can fit perfectly into your wedding day.


How to create your wedding family shot list